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Cardboard, acryl
50x70 cm
Mikelis Fisers Latvian, 1970
Vilis Ozols Latvian, 1929 - 2014
Ritums Ivanovs Latvian, 1968
Vija Zariņa Latvian, 1961
Krista Dzudzilo 1989
Andrius Zakarauskas 1982
Kaspars Zarins Latvian, 1962
Guntars Sietins Latvian, 1962
Andris Eglītis Latvian, 1981
Ivars Heinrihsons Latvian, 1945
Helena Heinrihsone 1948
Franceska Kirke Latvian, 1953
Zilvinas Landsbergas Lithuanian, 1979
Roger Vilder Canadian, 1938
Kristians Brekte Latvian, 1981