Andy Warhol

American | 1928 - 1987

Performance at Auction

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Artist Turnover

The total value of an artist’s artworks sold at auction over a specific period. This metric reflects the artist’s overall market activity and demand in monetary terms.


Median Artwork Prices

The middle value of all realized prices for an artist's works sold at auction during a given period, providing a clearer representation of typical market values by minimizing the influence of extreme outliers.

Average Artwork Prices

The sum of all realized prices for an artist's works divided by the number of artworks sold during a specific period. This provides an overall picture of an artist’s market performance but may be skewed by exceptionally high or low sales.

Lot Performance Against Estimate

A comparison of an artwork’s realized price at auction to its pre-sale estimate, expressed as a percentage. This metric indicates whether a lot sold above, below, or within its expected range, providing insight into market demand and buyer interest.


Sales by Price Segment

A breakdown of the total number or value of artworks sold within predefined price ranges, such as <$10,000, $10,000–$50,000, or>$1,000,000. This helps identify an artist's primary market tier and price accessibility.


Sales by Country

A geographic analysis of where an artist’s works have been sold, revealing key markets and regional demand for their work. This can also reflect trends in auction house locations or collector preferences.

Top Sold Lots per Year

The highest-priced artworks by an artist sold at auction within a given year. These top-performing lots often set benchmarks for the artist’s market value and indicate collector demand for specific works.

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