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Sign up to receive email notifications every time a work by your preferred artist comes up for sale or is sold, with full price information. Updates for related exhibitions and press coverage ensure you have the fullest picture of an artist’s market.
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We track shows at over 17,000 museums, galleries and auction houses worldwide, and tell you when your favorite artists feature
Frequently asked questions
To register for market alerts, simply visit our price plans page and select the plan that best fits your interests. Click here to view plans.
You receive an alert each time there is an auction, exhibition or article related to your preferred artist. The speed of our data collection process enables us to send notifications as soon as relevant information is published on a site we crawl, ensuring you never miss out.
MutualArt offers three different membership types to meet your needs – whether you’re a seasoned collector or simply love art. Personal Alerts start at $24 a month, with a free trial for all new users. Click here to find out more.
You can review, change, or cancel your membership at any time in your Account Settings. Our in-house support team is also on hand to answer any questions you have regarding membership, and can be contacted at support@mutualart.com.
Frequently asked questions
To register for market alerts, simply visit our price plans page and select the plan that best fits your interests. Click here to view plans.
You receive an alert each time there is an auction, exhibition or article related to your preferred artist. The speed of our data collection process enables us to send notifications as soon as relevant information is published on a site we crawl, ensuring you never miss out.
MutualArt offers three different membership types to meet your needs — whether you’re a seasoned collector or simply love art. Personal Alerts start at just $24 a month, with a free trial for all new users. Visit our plans page to learn more.
You can review, change, or cancel your membership at any time by visiting mutualart.com/UserPreferences. Our in-house support team is also on hand to answer any questions you have regarding membership, and can be contacted at support@mutualart.com.