..Zielony captures lethargy, the transitory state between night and day, and the familiar marriage of utopian architecture and dystopian society...
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Institute of Modern Art (IMA)
..Zielony’s camera captures people on the margins of social recognition in those moments when they seek to limn their self-image...
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KOW, Berlin (Brunnenstrasse, Closed)
..It led Zielony to abandon the conventional format of the individually framed picture...
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KOW, Berlin (Brunnenstrasse, Closed)
..Each of these contributions framed Zielony’s photographs in a different way...
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KOW, Berlin (Brunnenstrasse, Closed)
..Zielony conducted interviews and shot footage he has now assembled into a new film (THE GHOST, 2016)...
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KOW, Berlin (Brunnenstrasse, Closed)