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American | 1942
Louis Choris
Russian, 1795 - 1828
Florence Ellen Ware
American, 1891 - 1972
John McClelland
American, 1919 - 2016
Alfred (al) Kaloke
American, 1951 - 2014
Eli Elijassiapik
Inuit, 1936
Vernon C. Taylor
American, 1906
Alexander Leydenfrost
American, 1888 - 1961
Patrick Samuel McGuire
First Nations, 1943 - 1970
Florence Malewotkuk
Inuit, 1906 - 1971
John Willard Clawson
American, 1858 - 1936
Tom Wilson
American, 1931 - 2011
Muriel Hannah
Died in 1969
Gary Oyster
American, 20th Century
Peder Riber
Danish, 1863 - 1936
Mildred Hamill
American, 1890 - 1970
John Fehringer
American, 1954
Steve Gordon