..Ellsworth Kelly (born 1923), best known for his large-scale, color field painting, first experimented with reductive geometry in paint and wood in 1949...
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Norton Simon Museum of Art
..1923) may be best known for his rigorous abstract painting, but he has made figurative drawings throughout his career, creating an extraordinary body of work that now spans six decades...
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The Metropolitan Museum of Art
..One of the most prominent artists of the postwar period, Kelly is known for his explorations of contrasting formal relationships: flat color versus depth, shape, and scale...
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Philadelphia Museum of Art
.. Ellsworth Kelly is known for his large format paintings in clear shape and colours...
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Voorlinden museum & gardens
..Kelly, now 87 years old, has distilled his palette and introduced forms never before seen in his work...
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Matthew Marks Gallery, New York (522 W 22nd)