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Alexander Calder
American, 1898 - 1976
David Hockney
British, 1937
Yayoi Kusama
Japanese, 1929
Mark Rothko
American, 1903 - 1970
Frank Stella
American, 1936 - 2024
Andy Warhol
American, 1928 - 1987
Louise Bourgeois
French, 1911 - 2010
Robert Rauschenberg
American, 1925 - 2008
Cy Twombly
American, 1928 - 2011
Willem de Kooning
Dutch, 1904 - 1997
Jeff Koons
American, 1955
Sol LeWitt
American, 1928 - 2007
Jean-Michel Basquiat
American, 1960 - 1988
Damien Hirst
British, 1965
Keith Haring
American, 1958 - 1990
Jasper Johns
American, 1930