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American | 1895 - 1950
Nicolay Aamodt
Norwegian, 1978
Hans Abbing
Dutch, 1946
Taisuke Abe
Japanese, 1974
Naoko Kadokura
Bruce Yonemoto
American, 1949
Immaculada Abarca
Spanish, 1961
Matthew Abbott
British, 1965 - 2019
Stefano Abbiati
Italian, 1979
Tommaso da Modena
Susanne Aamund
Danish, 1943
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad
Iraqi, 1945
Alexander Abdo
British, 1865
John Aaron Frank
American, 1985
Marco Abarca
Mexican, 1962
Jorge Abade
French, 1974
Jussuf Abbo
British, 1888 - 1953
Javier Abdala
Uruguayan, 1971
Maarten van den Abeele
Belgian, 1970
Felipe Barantes Abascal
Spanish, 1871 - 1948