..Setting their collecting priorities above those of personal comfort, they used Dorothy's salary to cover their living expenses and devoted Herbert's salary to the acquisition of contemporary art...
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The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
..Here—as in so much of Paik's work—tradition and technology, elegance and humor, meditation and irreverence, come together in surprising harmony...
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National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
..It will demonstrate how Paik's global trajectory shaped a transnational network of artists that pioneered and expanded radical and cutting-edge art practice...
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Tate Modern
..Today's emerging talents in architecture are redefining the profession with global practices that are digitally literate and operate at multiple scales of design...
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University of Michigan Museum of Art
..Considered the “father of video art,” his groundbreaking use of video technology blurred past distinctions between science, fine art, and popular culture to create a new visual language...
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Asia Society and Museum, New York