Absolute Auction

Brussels | Belgium

Two auctions will be held at this venue in the near future: URBAN ART (pop & street art) over 680 exceptional lots sorted from A-Z (part 2 of 3) and URBAN ART (pop & street art) over 680 exceptional lots sorted from A-Z (part 3 of 3).Absolute Auction latest sale was GENERAL SALE: street art, contemporary art, pop art... (sale of a gallery in cessation of activity) part 3, featuring 49 artists.Over the last 12 months, 11,144 Fine and Decorative Art lots from 259 different artists were offered at Absolute Auction, with a total sales value of 125,310 USD. 30% of these lots were Sculptures. During this period, its biggest fine art sale was LAST SUMMER SALE Part 2 : Street & Pop Art And Contemporary Art, which brought a total of 27,665 USD.Absolute Auction is located at 251-4 Avenue Louise Brussels, Belgium 1050. Contact the venue using this form or via phone: +32.470.84.84.71.

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251-4 Avenue Louise Brussels, Belgium 1050
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