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hand-painted manuscript
7 1/2"h x 5 3/4"w
Guido Canlassi Cagnacci Italian, 1601 - 1663
Henry Met de Bles Flemish, Circa 1510 - Circa 1550
Paul Van Somer Flemish, 1576 - 1621
Alonso Sánchez Coello Spanish, Circa 1531 - 1588
French School, 15th Century
Willem Drost Dutch, 1633 - 1680
Cornelis van Cleve Flemish, 1520 - 1569
Sano di Pietro Italian, 1406 - 1481
Adriaen Thomas Key Flemish, Circa 1544 - Circa 1589
German School, 16th Century
School of Fontainebleau
Dirck van Baburen Dutch, 1590 - 1624
Bartholomeus van der Helst Dutch, 1613 - 1670
Scipione Pulzone Italian, 1544 - 1598
Jan de Bray Dutch, Circa 1627 - 1697
Florentine School, 16th Century
Bolognese School, 17th Century
Louis de Caullery Flemish, Circa 1580 - Circa 1621
Vincent Sellaer Flemish, Circa 1490 - 1564
Flemish School, 15th Century