Waddington's latest sale was No Blank Walls, featuring 107 artists, which had a total realized price of 25,979 USD - above estimates.Over the last 12 months, 5,599 Fine and Decorative Art lots from 1,653 different artists were offered at Waddington's, with a total sales value of 8,869,775 USD. 30% of these lots were Paintings. During this period, its biggest fine art sale was Major Fall Auction: Canadian & International Fine Art, which brought a total of 3,838,021 USD.Waddington's is located at 100 Broadview Avenue, Suite 200 Toronto, ON, Canada M4M 3H3. Contact the venue via phone: +1.416.504.9100.

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Current and Upcoming Auctions

$21,040 - 26,948
Total estimates
$57,175 - 82,780
Total estimates
$42,544 - 66,251
Total estimates

Recent auction results

25,979 USD total lots sold value
70,998 USD total lots sold value
19,117 USD total lots sold value


Corrie Jackson’s Top Pick from the Canadian Art Foundation Auction
Leslie Gales and David Moos’s Top Pick from the Canadian Art Foundation Auction

Contact details

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
100 Broadview Avenue, Suite 200 Toronto, ON, Canada M4M 3H3
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