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Works on Paper
28 X 21CM SIZE: 47 X 38CM
Tamara Dean Australian, 1976
Paul Augustin Aïzpiri French, 1919 - 2016
Roger Kemp Australian, 1908 - 1987
Lindy Lee Australian, 1954
Robert Johnson Australian, 1890 - 1964
Nora Heysen Australian, 1911 - 2004
Noel McKenna Australian, 1956
Christian Thompson Australian, 1978
Stewart MacFarlane Australian, 1953
Sam Fullbrook Australian, 1922 - 2004
William Robinson Australian, 1936
Jason Benjamin Australian, 1971 - 2021
Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri Aboriginal Australian, Circa 1926 - 1998
Daniel Boyd Australian, 1982
Leonard Hugh Long Australian, 1911 - 2013
Julie Dowling Australian, 1969
George Baldessin Australian, 1939 - 1978
Trent Parke Australian, 1971
J.J. Hilder Australian, 1881 - 1916
Jenny Watson Australian, 1951