Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853 - 1890)

Current Exhibitions


Paris Bistros: Iconic Places and Space for Art
Paris Bistros: Iconic Places and Space for Art
Could this Van Gogh have come from Nazi Germany?


..Throughout his career, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890) attempted the paradoxical task of representing night by light...

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MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art

.. When Vincent van Gogh decided to become an artist and taught himself how to draw and paint, he focused his attention on the people who had to work hard for their living, in humble workshops and on farmlands...

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Kroller-Muller Museum

..Van Gogh is known for its unique art style of vivid colors and intense brush strokes to convey his passion, and dramatic life, the most popular painters in the world to collect...

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National Art Center, Tokyo

..Vincent van Gogh regularly made a painting on a canvas he had used before...

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Van Gogh Museum

.. Radically altering and often outright abandoning traditional painting techniques, van Gogh created still lifes and landscapes unlike anything that had ever been seen before...

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Philadelphia Museum of Art

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