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Maria Lassnig</a>, <a target="_blank" href="/Artist/Brigitte-Meier-Denninghoff/9F7D98C85BF18210">Brigitte Meier-Denninghoff</a>, <a target="_blank" href="/Artist/Judit-Reigl/644822E5E8A421C7">Judit Reigl</a>, <a target="_blank" href="/Artist/Mary-Bauermeister/D34A3CCD42C65F6E">Mary Bauermeister</a>, <a target="_blank" href="/Artist/Marie-Louise-von-Rogister/D129041FD24EC06D">Marie-Louise von Rogister</a> and <a target="_blank" href="/Artist/Maria-Helena-Vieira-da-Silva/8C50D778EF39F17E">Maria Helena Vieira da Silva</a>. It will not only feature works by these well-known names, but also by rediscovered other long forgotten female artists. On the basis of questions about networks, exhibition participations and reception from a sociology of art perspective, it will also explore the mechanisms of the art business.</p><p><br></p>" />
Oct 11,2024
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François Boucher</a>’s sensual depiction of a young woman lying unclad on a sofa rests entirely within the period of its origin, the Rococo. For his depiction of erotic nudity, the painter dispenses with any customary mythological-historical frame – something that was still a risk even in the Age of Enlightenment. For whom, however, was the painting intended? Why are the layers of paint in such a fragile condition? And do we know anything about the person depicted? Many questions crop up on encountering this painting once again that has since been analysed art-technologically, conserved and restored at the Doerner Institut and will return to the rooms of the <a target="_blank" href="/Organization/Alte-Pinakothek/2D6E0AB40B8E0C09">Alte Pinakothek</a> in February.</p><p><br></p>" />
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