Palácio do Correio Velho

Lisbon | Portugal

There is one fine and decorative art auction taking place the week of February 23 at this venue: Leilão Online 2081 | Colecção Particular. Palácio do Correio Velho latest sale was Leilão Online 2060 | Heritage Colecionadores Prof. Fernando Sequeira Torres e Maria Júlia Torres | Parte II, featuring 8 artists, which had a total realized price of 834 USD - in between estimates.Over the last 12 months, 1,553 Fine and Decorative Art lots from 598 different artists were offered at Palácio do Correio Velho, with a total sales value of 954,710 USD. 32% of these lots were Prints & Graphic Art. During this period, its biggest fine art sale was Leilão de Primavera | Live/Online 400 | Antiguidades, Arte Moderna e Contemporânea, which brought a total of 353,613 USD.Palácio do Correio Velho is located at Calçada do Combro, 38 A - 1º Lisbon, Portugal 1200-114.

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Calçada do Combro, 38 A - 1º Lisbon, Portugal 1200-114
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