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Acrylic on wood
Yan Lei Chinese, 1965
David Ostrowski German, 1981
Wei Rong Chinese, 1953
Alex Israel American, 1982
Ida Bagus Nyoman Rai Indonesian, 1915 - 2000
Su Xinping Chinese, 1960
Shen Xiaotong Chinese, 1968
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French, 1827 - 1875
Qiu Zhijie Chinese, 1969
Huang Yuxing Chinese, 1975
Ai Weiwei Chinese, 1957
Guo Jin Chinese, 1964
Thierry Poncelet Belgian, 1946
Zhao Zhao Chinese, 1982
Zhang Gong Chinese, 1959
Liu Dahong Chinese, 1962
Fang Lijun Chinese, 1963
Ida Bagus Made Nadera Indonesian, 1915 - 1998
Kim Hyun-Sik Korean, 1964
Wang Guangle Chinese, 1976