..By appropriating the methodologies of the patrimonial inventory, and playing with traditional museographic codes, Afif questions the status of the work, its reproducibility, and the endless field of its...
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Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Villa Sauber
..A major aspect of Saâdane Aff's art is the reciprocal inclusion of different authors and media, thus constantly allowing new forms of interpretation and appearance...
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Galerie Mehdi Chouakri
..Repetitions, derivations, transcriptions, translations, delegations: Saâdane Afif’s creation processes seal the fundamental openness and transitivity of his practice...
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Kunsthalle Wien, Karlsplatz
..These lyrics have become key material for Afif, central to the evolution of his practice...
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WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre
..A complete survey of Afif’s posters as well as the largest selection of Fontaines is displayed for the very first time...
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Xavier Hufkens, 6 rue St-Georges