Lee Kit
Lip Therapy with Vaseline, 2012
acrylic, emulsion paint and inkjet ink on acid-free board
24 x 30 x 4 cm. ( 9 1/2 x 11 3/4 x 1 5/8 in.)
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acrylic, emulsion paint and inkjet ink on acid-free board
24 x 30 x 4 cm. ( 9 1/2 x 11 3/4 x 1 5/8 in.)
Mandla Reuter
South African, 1975
Tobias Zielony
German, 1973
Chow Chun Fai
Chinese, 1980
Ken Okiishi
American, 1978
Jess Johnson
New Zealander, 1979
Hreinn Fridfinnsson
Icelandic, 1943 - 2024
Tillman Kaiser
Austrian, 1972
Aki Sasamoto
Japanese, 1980
Sebastián Díaz Morales
Argentinian, 1975
Evan Nesbit
American, 1985
Brian Belott
American, 1973
Rossella Biscotti
Italian, 1978
Andrei Roiter
Russian, 1960
Daniel Guzman
Mexican, 1964
Yang Maoyuan
Chinese, 1966
Florian Schmidt
Austrian, 1980
Ebbe Stub Wittrup
Danish, 1973
Taocheng Wang
Chinese, 1981