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chinese ink and watercolour on silk
Works on Paper
54 x 53cm (21 1/4 x 20 7/8in)
Sama Alshaibi Iraqi, 1973
Dan Holdsworth British, 1974
Nathan Mabry American, 1978
Shen Hua Chinese, 1972
Kadar Brock American, 1980
Jaime Gili Venezuelan, 1972
Mustafa Hulusi British, 1971
Khalif Kelly American, 1980
Amanda Ross-Ho American, 1975
Lan Zhenghui Chinese, 1959
Roberto Coda Zabetta Italian, 1975
João Maria Gusmão Portuguese, 1979
Arunkumar HG Indian, 1968
Ann-Sofi Sidén Swedish, 1962
Arahmaiani Indonesian, 1961
Sven Kroner German, 1973
Eve Fowler American, 1964
Lee Kyoungmi Korean, 1977
Henrique Oliveira Brazilian, 1973
Shai Azoulay Israeli, 1971