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acrylic on artist's board
17 3/4 x 20 3/4in (45 x 53cm)
Youn Myeung-Ro Hong Kong, 1936
John Young Hong Kong, 1956
Kwon Youngwoo Hong Kong, 1926 - 2013
Wesley Tongson Hong Kong, 1957 - 2012
Kasing Lung Hong Kong, 1972
Lee Kang-So Hong Kong, 1943
Kam Tin Hong Kong, 1929 - 1989
Michael Lau Hong Kong, 1970
Kila Cheung Hong Kong, 1986
Wong Kar-wai Hong Kong, 1958
Paul Chan Hong Kong, 1973
Wilson Shieh Hong Kong, 1970
Hon Chi Fun Hong Kong, 1922 - 2019
Kwok Hoï Chan Hong Kong, 1939 - 1990
Lee Kit Hong Kong, 1978
Stephen Wong Chun Hei Hong Kong, 1986