Marcel Duchamp (French, 1887 - 1968)


Call It Orphism

Call It Orphism  

Two Coats of Paint 06/02/2025
“The Atomic Age: Artists Put to the Test of History”
“Harmony and Dissonance: Orphism in Paris, 1910–1930”


..Especially with an artist like Duchamp, who since his first readymades questioned the concept of the “original” in art, these minimized replicas of his works are more than just replicas and realize his...

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Museum Kunst Palast, Duesseldorf

..What’s a Readymade? Duchamp’s readymades are mass-produced objects that the artist chose, signed, and sometimes inscribed with mysterious phrases...

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Philadelphia Museum of Art

..Duchamp remains the ultimate avant-gardist whose subversive attitude continues to impact contemporary art practices...

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Gagosian Gallery, New York (980 Madison Avenue)

..By memorializing his own oeuvre via recreation and reproduction, Duchamp maintained his dissident vision of artistic integrity, epitomized by Boîte-en-valise (1935–41), a suitcase containing a “portable...

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Gagosian Gallery, New York (980 Madison Avenue)

..For Duchamp, the readymade meant the transition from what he called “retinal art” to an intellectual approach of his practice...

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Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, Marais

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