Marie-Saint Germain

Paris | France

Marie-Saint Germain latest sale was ONLINE COLLECTIONS, PHOTOGRAPHS & CURIOSA, featuring 128 artists, which had a total realized price of 43,078 USD - below estimates.Over the last 12 months, 1,131 Fine and Decorative Art lots from 341 different artists were offered at Marie-Saint Germain, with a total sales value of 247,597 USD. 41% of these lots were Photographs. During this period, its biggest fine art sale was Éclectismes : tableaux, mobilier et objets d'art, which brought a total of 78,989 USD.Marie-Saint Germain is located at 253 rue Saint-Honoré Paris, France 75001. Contact the venue using this form or via phone: +

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Recent auction results

43,078 USD total lots sold value


Marie-Saint Germain
Oct 24, 2024
35,497 USD total lots sold value
78,989 USD total lots sold value

Contact details

253 rue Saint-Honoré Paris, France 75001
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