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Seattle | Seattle | Washington | USA
Frederick Holmes and Company has one art show currently open: An Abstracted View III, featuring artists such as Oscar van Young, John Andro Avendano and Walter Quirt.Over the last 12 months, the gallery organised mostly group exhibitions, showing a majority of American artists. Among these exhibitions, the artists featured include Marc Chagall, Salvador Dalí and Georges Braque.The gallery has been featured in 8 articles, the latest one in our records being From Salvador Dalí to Local Artists, Must-See Seattle Exhibits in May.Frederick Holmes and Company is located at 309 Occidental Avenue South Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA 98104. Contact the venue using this form or via phone: +1.206,682.0166.
The famed surrealist Salvador Dalí is coming to Seattle — at least an intriguing series of his etchings is.
Studies have shown that being in nature is good for you — and for your stress levels.