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Chinese | 1985
In a lead up to the highly anticipated Art Basel Hong Kong next week, Hong Kong’s Southside galleries prove that they are full of new offerings.
From Wang Jiajia at SPURS Gallery to Meditations in an Emergency at UCCA, the best from GWBJ’s fourth edition
There is no doubt Hong Kong is becoming one of the leading destinations for art lovers, collectors, curators and art professionals in general.
Liu Dahong Chinese, 1962
Zhao Gang Chinese, 1961
Thierry Poncelet Belgian, 1946
Zhang Xiaogang Chinese, 1958
Oscar Murillo Colombian, 1986
Zhou Chunya Chinese, 1955
Xia Junna Chinese, 1971
Liu Wei Chinese, 1965
Huang Yuxing Chinese, 1975
Zhao Zhao Chinese, 1982
Liu Xiaodong Chinese, 1963
Li Songsong Chinese, 1973
Xu Zhen Chinese, 1977
Li Jisen Chinese, 1970
Wang Guangle Chinese, 1976
Yan Lei Chinese, 1965
Shen Xiaotong Chinese, 1968
Nicolas de Staël Russian, 1914 - 1955
Kim Hyun-Sik Korean, 1964
Alex Israel American, 1982