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Armin Wirth Swiss, 1903 - 1992
Daniel de Paula Brazilian, 1987
Frank Tuytschaever
Dom van der Laan Dutch, 1904 - 1991
Robert de Boeck 1944 - 1999
Marco Zanuso, Jr. Italian, 1956
Emile Guillot French, 1892 - 1960
Julien Nédélec French, 1982
Léon Stynen Belgian, 1899 - 1990
Oskar Putz 1940
Philippe Thomas French, 1951 - 1995
Castillian School, 15th Century
Castillian School, 16th Century
Camila Oliveira Fairclough 1979
Martin Maloney American, 1938 - 2003
Ludger tom Ring the Elder German, 1496 - 1547
Meriç Algün Turkish, 1983
Enric Farrés Duran Spanish, 1983
Miljenko Horvat Croatian, 1935 - 2012