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Indonesian | 1945
Ristyo Eko Hartanto
Indonesian, 1973
Galam Zulkifli
Indonesian, 1971
Hatta Hambali
Indonesian, 1949
Harijadi Sumodidjojo
Indonesian, 1919 - 1997
Emilio Ambron
Italian, 1905 - 1996
I Wayan Gedot
Indonesian, 1920 - 2000
Ries Mulder
Netherlandish, 1909 - 1973
Rudolf Schmidt
German, 1873
I Wayan Tohjiwa
Indonesian, 1916 - 2001
I Ketut Tungeh
Indonesian, 1915
Nasjah Djamin
Indonesian, 1924 - 1999
Yap Hian Tjay
Indonesian, 1927
Sugiyo Dwiarso
Indonesian, 1968
I Nyoman Meja
Indonesian, Circa 1950
Henry van Velthuysen
Dutch, 1881 - 1954
I Wayan Taweng
Indonesian, 1926 - 2005
I Wayan Supartha
Indonesian, 1971