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6e | Paris | France
Galerie Vallois has one art show currently open: Musicology, featuring artists such as Jacques Villeglé, Alain Bublex and Douglas Gordon.Some exhibitions to be held by the gallery in the near future include Marion Mailaender: Mi casa es tu casa and Julien Berthier.Over the last 12 months, the gallery organised mostly solo exhibitions, showing a majority of American artists. Among these exhibitions, the artists featured include Mike Kelley, Robert Cottingham and Christian Marclay.The gallery has been featured in 30 articles, the latest one in our records being These Are The Best Art Galleries in Paris.Galerie Vallois is located at 33 & 36 rue de Seine 6e - Paris, France 75006. Contact the venue using this form or via phone: +
The Louvre isn't the only game in town, and the Ville Lumière's standing in the contemporary art world continues to grow.
Having survived first the Holocaust and then three years’ conscription in the Red Army, the Jewish-Polish painter Emanuel Proweller later said of his identity that it felt like “a jacket with a reversible lining.”