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cotton, polyfill, wood and metal
50.8 x 30.5 x 44.5 cm (20 x 12 x 17 1/2 in.)
Nathalie Djurberg Swedish, 1978
Saâdane Afif French, 1970
Raqs Media Collective Indian
William Powhida American, 1976
Christian Jankowski German, 1968
Shannon Ebner American, 1971
Jessica Rankin Australian, 1971
Geert Goiris Belgian, 1971
Falke Pisano Netherlandish, 1978
Martine Syms American, 1988
Lutz Bacher American, 1943 - 2019
Jesper Just Danish, 1974
Mike Nelson British, 1967
Harun Farocki Czech, 1944 - 2014
Uri Aran Israeli, 1977
Andrea Büttner German, 1972
Runa Islam Bangladeshi, 1970
Liz Larner American, 1960
Slavs & Tatars
Jessica Jackson Hutchins American, 1971