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8e | Paris | France
Perrotin, Paris (2bis Av Matignon) has one art show currently open: Perrotin Matignon, featuring artists such as Gabriel de la Mora, Bernard Frize and Thilo Heinzmann.Over the last 12 months, the gallery organised mostly solo exhibitions, showing a majority of Japanese artists. Among these exhibitions, the artists featured include Takashi Murakami, Hans Hartung and Jesus-Rafael Soto.The gallery has been featured in 49 articles, the latest one in our records being Spain’s Art Market On the Upswing: An Interview With ARCOmadrid Director Maribel López.Perrotin, Paris (2bis Av Matignon) is located at 2bis Avenue Matignon 8e - Paris, France 75008. Contact the venue using this form or via phone: +
While the Spanish gallery scene is relatively young, it has grown consistently and solidly, especially in recent years, with new spaces opening at an increasing pace.
The regional fair will once more overlap with Dallas Invitational, a boutique fair established in 2023.