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Etching and photogravure on grey-brown
Size: 64,5 x 50cm.
Signed, Number: 20/26
Larry Bell American, 1939
Ted Blaylock American, 1946
Branko Paradis American, 1942
Alfredo Halegua American, 1930
Jim Woodring American, 1952
Donald Baechler American, 1956 - 2022
Jeffrey Becom American, 1953
Rick Dillingham American, 1952 - 1994
Francis McCarthy American, 1923 - 2005
John Yerger American, 1935
Chester Arnold American, 1952
Ernst Benkert American, 1928 - 2010
Paul B. Davis American, 1938
Harvey Dinnerstein American, 1928 - 2022
Deborah Copenhaver Fellows American, 1948
Katherine Bowling American, 1955
Tom Christopher American, 1952
Donald Lipski American, 1947
Todd White American, 1969
Bennard Bloch Perlman American, 1928 - 2016