Kodner Galleries

Dania | Florida | USA

Kodner Galleries latest sale was Estate Jewelry, Fine Art & Decoration, featuring 40 artists, which had a total realized price of 25,120 USD - below estimates.Over the last 12 months, 1,174 Fine and Decorative Art lots from 291 different artists were offered at Kodner Galleries, with a total sales value of 1,160,580 USD. 33% of these lots were Prints & Graphic Art. During this period, its biggest fine art sale was Important Jewelry & Watches, which brought a total of 401,835 USD.Kodner Galleries is located at 45 South Federal Highway Dania, FL, USA 33004. Contact the venue via phone: +1.954.925.2550 .

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Current and Upcoming Auctions

$18,700 - 28,750
Total estimates

Recent auction results

25,120 USD total lots sold value
11,630 USD total lots sold value
3,770 USD total lots sold value

Contact details

45 South Federal Highway Dania, FL, USA 33004
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