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British | 1860 - 1936
Pierre Jacques Pelletier
French, 1869 - 1931
Cathleen S. Mann
British, 1896 - 1959
Joan Warburton
Scottish, 1920 - 1996
Laurent Vialet
French, 1967
Godfrey Tonks
British, 1948
Derwent Lees
Australian, 1885 - 1931
Michael Angelo Rooker
British, 1746 - 1801
André Bicât
French, 1909 - 1996
Maurice Bismuth Lemaître
French, 1926 - 2018
Jules Émile Zingg
French, 1882 - 1942
John William North
British, 1841 - 1924
Louis Abel-Truchet
French, 1857 - 1918
Jeanne Selmersheim-Desgranges
French, 1877 - 1958
Myron Barlow
American, 1873 - 1937
Edward Pritchett
British, 1808 - 1876
Joanna Carrington
British, 1931 - 2003
Norman Garstin
Irish, 1847 - 1926
Henry Inlander
Austrian, 1925 - 1983
Jane Vivian